This self-directed project was a hit with students. Smiles, "ooh's" and "ahh's" resounded throughout this art-making experience!
Students were given a large sheet of slick paper before being introduced to 3 stations throughout the room.
Station 1: Stamping
Students selected shapes, coated them with a layer of paint, and practiced stamping on their paper to create images.
Station 2: Paint Scratchers
Students experimented with line by applying paint to the paper and pulling the tool in various directions to create a variety of lines.
Station 3: Texture Stamps and Funky Brushes
This station was a favorite. A variety of tools were used to manipulate the paint, including "funky brushes" and a variety of tactile texture stamps.
I Can...
- Make smart choices with paint.
- Use various tools and techniques to create a piece of artwork.
- Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials.
- Learn how to clean up my work space.