Kindergarten Mark-Making and Material Exploration

Kindergarteners were thrilled to learn that they were going to be working with paint this week, and became even more curious when they learned they would not be painting with paint brushes!

This self-directed project was a hit with students. Smiles, "ooh's" and "ahh's" resounded throughout this art-making experience!

Students were given a large sheet of slick paper before being introduced to 3 stations throughout the room.

Station 1: Stamping
Students selected shapes, coated them with a layer of paint, and practiced stamping on their paper to create images. 

Station 2: Paint Scratchers
Students experimented with line by applying paint to the paper and pulling the tool in various directions to create a variety of lines. 

Station 3: Texture Stamps and Funky Brushes
This station was a favorite. A variety of tools were used to manipulate the paint, including "funky brushes" and a variety of tactile texture stamps. 

I Can...

  • Make smart choices with paint.
  • Use various tools and techniques to create a piece of artwork.
  • Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials.
  • Learn how to clean up my work space. 


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